Volunteers are being encouraged to tackle speeding in rural communities by the Chairman of Tendring District Council (TDC).
Peter Harris has made the plea following a visit to several Community Speed Watch groups during his year in office, and seeing the good work they do.
Community Speed Watch is a traffic monitoring scheme, supported by partners within the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP). It is delivered in communities by dedicated volunteers who feel passionately about road safety in their area.
Volunteers monitor the speed of passing vehicles. Keepers of vehicles measured travelling at more than 10% above the speed limit receive an advice letter from Essex Police, with the records also informing police patrols.
SERP has adopted an ambitious target to achieve zero deaths and serious injuries by 2040, known world-wide as Vision Zero.
Cllr Harris said he had been so impressed with the scheme and those who ran it in Tendring.
“The dedication of these volunteers to keeping their communities safe, in all weathers, is fantastic to see – and you can help them too,” Cllr Harris said.
“Advice letters are designed to reduce re-offending by showing community support for compliance with speed limits, so by volunteering you really are helping to keep your local community safe.
“My hat goes off to everyone who supports this community endeavour.”
Find out more about how to get involved with Community Speed Watch on the Safer Essex Roads Partnership website: saferessexroads.org/policecommunity/community-speed-watch/.
Photo: Peter Harris.