A Clacton councillor has called on a neighbouring council to rethink its approach and put an end to housing vulnerable residents in Clacton.
Tendring District Councillor, Paul Honeywood, has spoken out following reports that Colchester Council had placed vulnerable residents in Clacton.
Paul was alerted to the situation and his enquiries revealed that Colchester had placed 46 six people in temporary accommodation in the Tendring District Council (TDC) area in just three months (April to June) with residents still placed there.
Paul, who had been TDC’s cabinet member for housing before the Independent/Labour Administration took power of the authority in May, said that this issue needs to be highlighted.
“I understand that Colchester are facing housing challenges, but they are not alone”, he said.
“Simply moving vulnerable residents, including mums, dads and children miles away from family, education and even professional support is wrong and it also puts additional pressures on TDC. I cannot see how this approach really helps anyone.”
Paul, said that his enquiries have also revealed that TDC has been notified about as few as one in nine of these cases.
“We must not forget that these are real people facing difficult times who have turned to Colchester City Council in their time of need and not simply treat them as problem to be moved elsewhere. I’m calling on the Housing Boss at Colchester Council to stop this callous approach and do the right thing,” Paul added.